Wednesday, May 9, 2007

ABC News ... all the Fiction fit to print.

Back in the days when I ran major-market daily newspapers for a living, I remember looking around a newsroom of around 200 people and coming to a startling conclusion. I knew these people pretty well. I worked with them every day. And it occurred to me that I was the only one who regularly attended church, worshipped God, prayed and read the Bible. Not much has changed in America's newsrooms since then, I explain in my new book, "Stop The Presses! The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution." Maybe the situation is even a little worse. I give you this background as a prelude to a story about evangelicals reported last week by ABC News. Now I've been an evangelical for a long time, so you can imagine my surprise to learn that until recently my fellow believers did not support adoption! I'm shocked. I'm appalled. I'm stunned. That's what ABC News reported. "Now there are evangelicals speaking out on global warming and supporting adoption," reported Bill Redeker. "Neither would have been endorsed only a few years ago." Where on Earth did ABC News ever come up with the idea that evangelicals did not support adoption? If not Earth, which planet?

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